Your weekly round-up of news from around our wonderful Golden Apples Family nurseries is here!

The Ark, Watton
The babies spent lots of time exploring the 'Little Elephant' focus tray.
We read the story together and some of the children were able to identify different animals in the tray such as the elephant and lion.
We made lots of loud animal noises and explored the different sensory materials in the tray, too.
One of the children acted out a page from the book, where the giraffe drank some water from the river. The children continued to explore the focus tray throughout the day.

The Beacon, Rendlesham
Incorporating a set of scales into the learning environment encourages children to explore and experiment with mathematical concepts like weight differentiation and balance.
It also provides a wealth of opportunities to develop skills relating to ‘Understand The World’ within the EYFS.
Toddlers looked at weights today, learning about light from heavy. They used the scales to weigh various items and predicted whether they would be lighter or heavier.

The Appletree, Attleborough
Russets have been continuing their learning around our Healthy Living theme, busily exploring the story Handa’s surprise.
The children began by exploring the fruits connected to the book – then they cut the fruit into pieces and made fruit kebabs which the children enjoyed eating at snack time.
We then used the rest of the fruit and peel to make a sensory tray!
Listen to the story here:

The Cornerstone, Martlesham
Looks like someone must have been helping mummy to change her little brother’s nappy!
Role play is how children make sense of their world, acting out experiences.

The Anchor, Huntingdon
The babies in Aurora room celebrated National Milkman Day on Thursday with the song Ten Green Bottles.
They’ve also celebrating other important people, making fire engines out of Ryvita biscuits, icing and chocolate.
The toddlers in Hurley Room took care of baby dolls and had a teddy bear’s picnic, as well as enjoying a story time with a sensory tray based on the book, We’re Going On A Bear Hunt.
Our pre-schoolers in Ariel Room had a ‘back-to-basics’ week where they used natural resources in their play and went for a walk in the forest.

Head Start, Ramsey
The children have been playing so nicely together. They enjoyed pretending to be doctors and nurses and enjoyed placing bandages on their peers and the teachers with lots of giggles and laughs.
They are straight back into the nursery routine and continue to follow our ‘Golden Rules’ very well.
This term, we are exploring everything about Winter, and will also continue to follow the children’s interests.
The children have continued to enjoy playing outside for a short time despite the cold weather – and it’s the perfect opportunity to experiment!
They’ve worked together to break the ice to save the Arctic animals and to think of ways of melting it, by using paint brushes and warm water. They also discovered that they could see through the ice.
We talked about the cold weather and what we need to wear when it’s cold, and the children have enjoyed participating in winter-themed activities.

Woodbridge Day Nursery, Woodbridge
Our lovely cook Sam made some rainbow cupcakes – just what we all needed to brighten up our day!

Halesworth Day Nursery, Halesworth
The Sloth Room have been learning about farmyard animals. They explored different textures and sounds and had great fun getting messy!