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Nurseries News Round-Up – Week 72

Your weekly round-up of news from around our wonderful Golden Apples Family nurseries is here!


Halesworth Day Nursery, Halesworth

Sloth Room used their senses to explore the bugs-in-jelly sensory tray.

Megan and Charlotte encouraged us to use our fine motor skills to pick the bugs out of the jelly and explore the jelly’s cold and wobbly texture.

We also used spoons and bowls to have a go at spooning the mixture from one bowl to the next. We explored the jelly’s smell and even had a go at giving it a little taste.

Meanwhile, the Sloth Room also ventured out for a little Autumn. We wanted to participate in celebrating Recycling Week and decided to donate some unwanted resources to our local charity shop so they could be loved by a new home.

When we got back to nursery, we also had lots of fun exploring our favourite cars by making marks on some large-scale paper. We were very intrigued to see the marks we’d made!


The Beacon, Rendlesham

An alien visited the nursery and left some of its eggs behind! The children couldn’t wait to delve into the sensory tray to try to find the baby aliens hidden in the jelly!

We also got creative by making some scary monsters using forks and paints.

The children were asked to select two colours by name and then spread the paint across their page using a fork. They really do look spooky!


Bluebell, Eltisley

In the Toddler and Pre-School Rooms we've started Halloween early.

The children enjoyed finding the spiders and eyes in the rice using spoons – the light-up pumpkins helped them to see where they were!


The Appletree, Attleborough

Pippins have been exploring orange pumpkin gloop. A spooky mixture of gloop, mini pumpkins and Autumn-themed sensory resources encouraged our babies to get stuck in (literally)!

Pippins used their hands and simple tools (such as spoons) to move and control the gloop. They watched, bewitched, as the gloop changed from solid to liquid.

To continue our learning at home you could explore different objects with gloop. To make gloop all you need is cornflour and water.

Meanwhile, Bramley room are exploring maths using Autumn resources. Today the children practiced their fine motor skills by using tweezers to collect spiders.

They navigated around the spider’s web to where the spiders were hiding to collect as many as they could.

Pippins have decorated their room with lots of sensory areas. They are introducing new Halloween textures and Autumn craft opportunities.

Russets are continuing their exploration of the Autumn-themed tuff tray, focusing on extending that language using lots of descriptive words and working on some fabulous co-operative play.


The Ark, Watton

It's starting to get pretty spooky at the Ark. Our Pre-School Room have been working on their fine motor skill and building up those muscles, to make marks and write.

They have been creating monsters with spaghetti, placing it alongside skeletons and collecting items out of the spiderweb using only their tweezers.


The Cornerstone, Martlesham

The Pre-Schoolers have been developing their fine motor skills.

Fine motor skills involve small muscles working with the brain and nervous system to control movements in areas such as the hands, fingers, lips, tongue and eyes.


Head Start, Ramsey

We’ve had lots of tractors passing the nursery recently with harvest products in their trailers.

The children have been fascinated to see what was in the trailers and where they were going. So we’ve continued the theme this week in our activities.

The children have really enjoyed playing with the tractors over the week. They have been transporting all the loose parts and working together to build ramps.

We looked at harvest vegetables and painted with them. The children were fascinated to discover circles from the onions.

We talked about Autumn and what happens to the leaves on the trees, and then created some lovely pictures of Autumnal trees with lots of wonderful and vibrant colours.

We talked about how we mix colours together to get the colours brown and purple.


Woodbridge Day Nursery, Woodbridge

We’ve had a lovely time recently trying out some Montessori activities.

The children learnt some new skills and words, such as pouring, mixing, dividing, matching, pinching, collecting and sorting.

These activities are brilliant at helping the children develop their fine motor skills.


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